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media team

The idea of "Worship Team" is one that we feel does not grasp the entire picture of what happens on a Sunday morning as we gather together to worship. The worship of God’s bride, His Church, is not done by a "team", but by his people. We feel like "Worship Team" tends to draw the focus of who is worshipping away from the beauty of a community of worship, and towards a false sense of "us, and them". Author Harold Best said "Church worship is the work of the entire body...", and we couldn't agree more. It is for this reason that we have chosen to call the group of people who serve by utilizing different media forms to facilitate our corporate worship the "Media Team". We don't want to confuse the method with which we worship (the "media") with the worship itself. Simply put, we want to be sure to not fall into the trap of thinking that music, or video, or any other media form is worship in itself. These are but tools that God has given us to worship Him with.

So, what exactly is the "Media Team"? Well, its anyone who has anything to do with our Sunday Morning "Conversations" (or Gatherings)

  • Video Presentation Techs
  • Sound Techs
  • Musicians
  • Ushers
  • Greeters
  • Worship Space Designers

If any of these sound like something you might want to be involved with, email us at

note: please put "media team" in the subject